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Your personal data (e.g. name and surname, telephone numbers, email address, website, Skype details, and information concerning your trip) indicated when filling out the online Proposal Request and hotel-booking form will be accessible only to our representative DMC in the country that interests you and will be used only for the purpose of supplying you with services that you have ordered. You will not be asked on our site to give details of your credit card, and payment will be made in accordance with the conditions that you have agreed with the relevant DMC in accordance with the commercial proposal that the latter will send you after processing your Proposal Request. Thus your personal data are accessible only to the direct executors of your order and will under no circumstances be made available to third parties.


The world’s most exciting destinations

South America North America Africa Europe Asia Australia

From the world’s most professional DMCs

 Use of a booking agency can turn your event into a firework display of jubilant emotion


You want to give your event a special charm, an atmosphere of unique festivity, and fill it with bright emotions and unstoppable merriment? All this is possible if your event features an important figure whom your guests and participants have long dreamed of meeting. Cesam International is an international booking agency with the ability to invite popular performers from any field – entertainers, ballet dancers, DJs, musicians, and showmen.

The presence of a foreign performer or show-business legend at your corporate event, invitation-only party, or private event can provide a cascade of thrilling impressions which will make your event truly unforgettable. This is a modern trend in events management.

Booking agency

  Booking agency

Cesam International, 72 rue des Jacobins 80000 AMIENS - FRANCE,

Tel.:  +33 3 60 11 09 34

Popular Performers

Motivational Speakers

Cesam International will select performers to suit the format of your event, your tastes, and budget. And if you have your own ideas of how you want your event organized or for a particular performer, Cesam International will be happy to discuss them with you and then ensure their realization.

If you would like to work with Cesam International, please send us a request giving details of your planned event. We'll take care of it.

Request a proposal

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Our сontacts:

Cesam International, 72 rue des Jacobins 80000 AMIENS - FRANCE,

Tel.:  +33 3 60 11 09 34